Assume your company recently diversified, and in addition to producing its recognized brand of ice cream products, it now also is producing cereal and nutritional products. Assume you have been using the Efficient Frontier to manage portfolio value. With diversification to these new products:
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A number of components proposals are on the table as a result of the strategic planning cycle. While defining the portfolio, you wanted to make a preliminary screening of the proposed components in order to filter them based on the acceptance criteria. Which of the following techniques you use?
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Along the course of the portfolio, you will be recommending the initiation, termination and update of components. The governance bodies will be approving or rejecting your recommendations as part of their role in the authorization of the portfolio. As a portfolio manager, which of the following, in your opinion, is the objective/purpose of the Authorize Portfolio Process?
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You have just finalized aggregating value from the ongoing components to present a consolidated report to the governance board, in addition to recommending changes to portfolio and information to enable a better decision making. You are now looking for a place to document updates including new measures, reports and processes for effective ongoing management of the portfolio value. In which of the following documents are these measures included?
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One of the major steps for a portfolio manager is to know which components qualify to be included in the mix of components that will achieve the strategic objectives sought by the portfolio. As a program manager, you will use a variety of methods to help you achieve this purpose. Which of the following are valid tools and techniques?
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