OG0-061 Dumps

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The-Open-Group OG0-061: IT4IT Part 1 Exam


How does the IT4IT Reference Architecture use the value stream concept?

Correct Answer: A
Reference: https://www.joetheitguy.com/2017/05/17/it4it-101-new-approach-development-delivery/


Which functional component within the Requirement to Deploy value stream produces the Logical Service Blueprint?

Correct Answer: D
Reference: https://books.google.com.pk/books?id=lpcEDAAAQBAJandpg=PA83andlpg=PA83anddq=it4it+functional+component+within+the+Requirement+to+Deploy+value+stream+produces+the+Logical+Service +Blueprintandsource=blandots=UmKAGvnbE_andsig=ACfU3U1paH-4XlKDxAcBaQ2aGis_KtUHBwandhl=enandsa=Xandved=2ahUKEwi1rqf2ujkAhWOxYUKHem0C1wQ6AEwAnoECAcQAQ#v=onepageandq=it4it functional component within the Requirement to Deploy value stream produces the Logical Service Blueprintandf=false


What functional component has the objectives to solve severe repeating incidents, and to minimize the impact of incidents that cannot be prevented?

Correct Answer: A
The Problem functional component is responsible for managing the lifecycle of all Problems. The objectives of the Problem functional component are to solve severe/repeating Incidents, prevent Incidents from happening, and minimize the impact of Incidents that cannot be prevented. The Problem cause is not usually known at the time of the Problem data object instance creation, and the Problem functional component is responsible for the investigation. The Problem functional component also serves as the main exit point from the D2C Value Stream for the feedback information about IT services issues. The feedback is reported to the R2D Value Stream in the form of Defects and to the S2P Value Stream in the form of Portfolio Backlog Items (demand request).
Reference: https://pubs.opengroup.org/it4it/refarch20/m/chap08.html


What is the difference between primary and supporting activities in the IT Value Chain?

Correct Answer: C


What are the typical activities of the Strategy to Portfolio Value Stream?

Correct Answer: A