- (Exam Topic 3)
Which of the following can be used to decrease latency during periods of high utilization of a firewall?
Correct Answer:
NIC Teaming, also known as load balancing and failover (LBFO), allows multiple network adapters on a computer to be placed into a team for the following purposes: (https://www.bing.com/search?q=what+is+nic+teaming+used+for?&form=QBLH&sp=-1&pq=what+is+nic
- (Exam Topic 3)
Which of the following ports should be used to securely receive mail that is synchronized across multiple
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- (Exam Topic 3)
Which of the following would be BEST to install to find and block any malicious users within a network?
Correct Answer:
IPS takes action itself to block the attempted intrusion or otherwise remediate the incident. IDS is designed to only provide an alert about a potential incident, which enables a security operations center (SOC) analyst to investigate the event and determine whether it requires further action.
- (Exam Topic 3)
Which of the following is the MOST appropriate use case for the deployment of a clientless VPN?
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- (Exam Topic 3)
An administrator is attempting to add a new system to monitoring but is unsuccessful. The administrator notices the system is similar to another one on the network; however, the new one has an updated OS version. Which of the following should the administrator consider updating?
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