Create a Shell script /root/program:
The shell script will come back to ”user” parameter when you are entering ”kernel” parameter.
The shell script will come back to ”kernel” when you are entering ”user” parameter.
It will output the standard error when this script ”usage:/root/program kernel|user” don’t input any parameter or the parameter you inputted is entered as the requirements.
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Create a role called sample-apache in /home/sandy/ansible/roles that enables and starts httpd, enables and starts the firewall and allows the webserver service. Create a template calledindex.html.j2 which creates and serves a message from /var/www/html/index.html Whenever the content of the file changes, restart the webserver service.
Welcome to [FQDN] on [IP]
Replace the FQDN with the fully qualified domain nameand IP with the ip address of the node using ansible facts. Lastly, create a playbook in /home/sandy/ansible/ called apache.yml and use the role to serve the index file on webserver hosts.
In /home/sandy/ansible/roles/sample-apache/handlers/main.yml
Does this meet the goal?
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