- (Exam Topic 2)
Install and configure Ansible on the control-node control.realmX.example.com as follows:
--> Install the required packages
--> Create a static inventory file called /home/admin/ansible/inventory as follows: node1.realmX.example.com is a member of the dev host group node2.realmX.example.com is a member of the test host group node3.realmX.example.com & node4.realmX.example.com are members of the prod host group
node5.realmX.example.com is a member of the balancers host group. prod group is a member of the webservers host group
--> Create a configuration file called ansible.cfg as follows:
--> The host inventory file /home/admin/ansible/inventory is defined
--> The location of roles used in playbooks is defined as /home/admin/ansible/ roles
Solution as:
Through physical host, login to workstation.lab.example.com with user root.
# ssh root@workstation.lab.example.com
# hostname workstation.lab.example.com
# yum install platform-python*
# su - admin
# pwd
# vim .vimrc
# mkdir -p ansible/roles
# cd ansible
# vim inventory [dev]
servera.lab.example.com [test] serverb.example.com [prod] serverc.example.com serverd.example.com [balancer] serverd.lab.example.com [webservers:children] prod
# vim ansible.cfg [defaults]
inventory = ./inventory
role_path = ./roles remote_user = admin ask_pass = false [privilege_escalation] become = true become_method = sudo become_user = root become_ask_pass = false
# ansible all -–list-hosts
Does this meet the goal?
Correct Answer:
- (Exam Topic 2)
Install the RHEL system roles package and create a playbook called timesync.yml that:
--> Runs over all managed hosts.
--> Uses the timesync role.
--> Configures the role to use the time server ( Hear in redhat lab use "classroom.example.com" )
--> Configures the role to set the iburst parameter as enabled.
Solution as:
# pwd home/admin/ansible/
# sudo yum install rhel-system-roles.noarch -y
# cd roles/
# ansible-galaxy list
# cp -r /usr/share/ansible/roles/rhelsystem-roles.timesync .
# vim timesync.yml
- name: timesynchronization hosts: all
timesync_ntp_provider: chrony timesync_ntp_servers:
- hostname: classroom.example.com _ in exam its ip-address iburst: yes
timezone: Asia/Kolkata roles:
- rhel-system-roles.timesync tasks:
- name: set timezone timezone:
name: "{{ timezone }}" wq!
timedatectl list-timezones | grep india
# ansible-playbook timesync.yml --syntax-check
# ansible-playbook timesync.yml
# ansible all -m shell -a 'chronyc sources -v'
# ansible all -m shell -a 'timedatectl'
# ansible all -m shell -a 'systemctl is-enabled chronyd'
Does this meet the goal?
Correct Answer:
- (Exam Topic 2)
Generate a hosts file:
Download an initial template file hosts.j2 from http://classroom.example.com/ hosts.j2 to
/home/admin/ansible/ Complete the template so that it can be used to generate a file with a
line for each inventory host in the same format as /etc/hosts: workstation.lab.example.com workstation
* Create a playbook called gen_hosts.yml that uses this template to generate the file
/etc/myhosts on hosts in the dev host group.
* When completed, the file /etc/myhosts on hosts in the dev host group should have a line for
each managed host:
* localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6
* serevra.lab.example.com servera
* serevrb.lab.example.com serverb
* serevrc.lab.example.com serverc
* serevrd.lab.example.com serverd
while practising you to create these file hear. But in exam have to download as per questation.
hosts.j2 file consists.
localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6
Solution as:
# pwd
wget http://classroom.example.com/hosts.j2
# vim hosts.j2
* localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4 ::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6
{% for host in groups['all'] %}
{{ hostvars[host]['ansible_facts']['default_ipv4']['address'] }} {{ hostvars[host] ['ansible_facts']['fqdn'] }} {{ hostvars[host]['ansible_facts']['hostname'] }}
{% endfor %} wq!
# vim gen_hosts.yml
- name: collecting all host information hosts: all
- name: template: src: hosts.j2
dest: /etc/myhosts
when: inventory_hostname in groups['dev'] wq
# ansible-playbook gen_hosts.yml -–syntax-check
# ansible-playbook gen_hosts.yml
Does this meet the goal?
Correct Answer:
- (Exam Topic 2)
Create and run an Ansible ad-hoc command.
--> As a system administrator, you will need to install software on the managed nodes.
--> Create a shell script called yum-pack.sh that runs an Ansible ad-hoc command to create yum-repository on each of the managed nodes as follows:
--> repository1
* 1. The name of the repository is EX407
* 2. The description is "Ex407 Description"
* 3. The base URL is http://content.example.com/rhel8.0/x86_64/dvd/BaseOS/
* 4. GPG signature checking is enabled
* 5. The GPG key URL is http://content.example.com/rhel8.0/x86_64/dvd/RPM-GPG-KEYredhat- release
* 6. The repository is enabled
--> repository2
* 1. The name of the repository is EXX407
* 2. The description is "Exx407 Description"
* 3. The base URL is http://content.example.com/rhel8.0/x86_64/dvd/AppStream/
* 4. GPG signature checking is enabled
* 5. The GPG key URL is http://content.example.com/rhel8.0/x86_64/dvd/ RPM-GPG-KEYredhat- release
* 6. The repository is enabled
Solution as:
# pwd
# vim yum-pack.sh
ansible all -m yum_repository -a 'name=EX407 description="Ex407 Description"
ansible all -m yum_repository -a 'name=EXX407 description="Exx407 Description"
# chmod +x yum-pack.sh
# bash yum-pack.sh
# ansible all -m command -a 'yum repolist all'
Does this meet the goal?
Correct Answer:
- (Exam Topic 2)
Create a playbook called packages.yml that:
--> Installs the php and mariadb packages on hosts in the dev, test, and prod host groups.
--> Installs the Development Tools package group on hosts in the dev host group.
--> Updates all packages to the latest version on hosts in the dev host group.
Solution as:
# pwd home/admin/ansible/
# vim packages.yml
- name: Install the packages hosts: dev,test,prod
- php_pkg: php
- mariadb_pkg: mariadb tasks:
- name: install the packages yum:
- "{{ php_pkg }}"
- "{{ mariadb_pkg }}"
state: latest
- name: install the devops tool packages hosts: dev
- name: install devepment tools yum:
name: "@Development Tools" state: latest
- name: upgrade all the packages yum:
name: "*" state: latest
exclude: kernel*
# ansible-playbook package.yml –-syntax-check
# ansible-playbook package.yml
Does this meet the goal?
Correct Answer: