A data analyst has set up a SQL query to run every four hours on a SQL endpoint, but the SQL endpoint is taking too long to start up with each run.
Which of the following changes can the data analyst make to reduce the start-up time for the endpoint while managing costs?
Correct Answer:
A Serverless SQL endpoint is a type of SQL endpoint that does not require a dedicated cluster to run queries. Instead, it uses a shared pool of resources that can scale up and down automatically based on the demand. This means that a Serverless SQL endpoint can start up much faster than a SQL endpoint that uses a cluster, and it can also save costs by only paying for the resources that are used. A Serverless SQL endpoint is suitable for ad-hoc queries and exploratory analysis, but it may not offer the same level of performance and isolation as a SQL endpoint that uses a cluster. Therefore, a data analyst should consider the trade-offs between speed, cost, and quality when choosing between a Serverless SQL endpoint and a SQL endpoint that uses a cluster. References: Databricks SQL endpoints, Serverless SQL endpoints, SQL endpoint clusters
Data professionals with varying titles use the Databricks SQL service as the primary touchpoint with the Databricks Lakehouse Platform. However, some users will use other services like Databricks Machine Learning or Databricks Data Science and Engineering.
Which of the following roles uses Databricks SQL as a secondary service while primarily using one of the other services?
Correct Answer:
Data engineers are primarily responsible for building, managing, and optimizing data pipelines and architectures. They use Databricks Data Science and Engineering service to perform tasks such as data ingestion, transformation, quality, and governance. Data engineers may use Databricks SQL as a secondary service to query, analyze, and visualize data from the lakehouse, but this is not their main
focus. References: Databricks SQL overview, Databricks Data Science and Engineering overview, Data engineering with Databricks
In which of the following situations will the mean value and median value of variable be meaningfully different?
Correct Answer:
The mean value of a variable is the average of all the values in a data set, calculated by dividing the sum of the values by the number of values. The median value of a variable is the middle value of the ordered data set, or the average of the middle two values if the data set has an even number of values. The mean value is sensitive to outliers, which are values that are verydifferent from the rest of the data. Outliers can skew the mean value and make it less representative of the central tendency of the data. The median value is more robust to outliers, as it only depends on the middle values of the
data. Therefore, when the variable contains a lot of extreme outliers, the mean value and the median value will be meaningfully different, as the mean value will be pulled towards the outliers, while the median value will remain close to the majority of the data1. References: Difference Between Mean and Median in Statistics (With Example) - BYJU??S
Consider the following two statements:
Statement 1:
Statement 2:
Which of the following describes how the result sets will differ for each statement when they are run in Databricks SQL?
Correct Answer:
Based on the images you sent, the two statements are SQL queries for different types of joins between the customers and orders tables. A join is a way of combining the rows from two table references based on some criteria. The join type determines how the rows are matched and what kind of result set is returned. The first statement is a query for a LEFT SEMI JOIN, which returns only the rows from the left table reference (customers) that have a match with the right table reference (orders) on the join condition (customer_id). The second statement is a query for a LEFT ANTI JOIN, which returns only the rows from the left table reference (customers) that have no match with the right table reference (orders) on the join condition (customer_id). Therefore, the result sets for the two statements will differ in the following way:
✑ The first statement will return a subset of the customers table that contains only
the customers who have placed at least one order. The number of rows returned will be less than or equal to the number of rows in the customers table, depending on how many customers have orders. The number of columns returned will be the same as the number of columns in the customers table, as the LEFT SEMI JOIN does not include any columns from the orders table.
✑ The second statement will return a subset of the customers table that contains
only the customers who have not placed any order. The number of rows returned will be less than or equal to the number of rows in the customers table, depending on how many customers have no orders. The number of columns returned will be the same as the number of columns in the customers table, as the LEFT ANTI
JOIN does not include any columns from the orders table. The other options are not correct because:
✑ A. The first statement will not return all data from the customers table, as it will
exclude the customers who have no orders. The second statement will not return all data from the orders table, as it will exclude the orders that have a matching customer. Neither statement will fill in any missing data with NULL, as they do not return any columns from the other table.
✑ C. There is a difference between the result sets for both statements, as explained
above. The LEFT SEMI JOIN and the LEFT ANTI JOIN are not equivalent operations and will produce different outputs.
✑ D. Both statements will not fail, as Databricks SQL does support those join types.
Databricks SQL supports various join types, including INNER, LEFT OUTER, RIGHT OUTER, FULL OUTER, LEFT SEMI, LEFT ANTI, and CROSS. You can
also use NATURAL, USING, or LATERAL keywords to specify different join criteria.
✑ E. The first statement will not return only the customer_id from the orders table, as
it will return all columns from the customers table. The second statement is correct, but it is not the only difference between the result sets.
References: JOIN | Databricks on AWS, JOIN - Azure Databricks - Databricks SQL | Microsoft Learn, array_join function | Databricks on AWS, Hints | Databricks on AWS
In which of the following situations should a data analyst use higher-order functions?
Correct Answer:
Higher-order functions are a simple extension to SQL to manipulate nested data such as arrays. A higher-order function takes an array, implements how the array is processed, and what the result of the computation will be. It delegates to a lambda function how to process each item in the array. This allows you to define functions that manipulate arrays in SQL, without having to unpack and repack them, use UDFs, or rely on limited built-in functions. Higher-order functions provide a performance benefit over user defined functions. References: Higher-order functions | Databricks on AWS, Working with Nested Data Using Higher Order Functions in SQL on Databricks | Databricks Blog, Higher-order functions - Azure Databricks | Microsoft Learn, Optimization recommendations on Databricks | Databricks on AWS