An analyst needs to create an analytics dashboard for an employee intranet site to improve the search functionality, display relevant information, and maintain an updated FAQ page. Which of the following visualizations would best represent what employees are searching for?
Correct Answer:
A word cloud is an ideal choice for visualizing what employees are searching for on an intranet site. It represents the frequency of word occurrence in a visually impactful way, with more commonly searched terms appearing larger in the cloud. This allows for quick identification of the most popular queries and topics of interest among employees. Unlike histograms, pie charts, or scatter plots, word clouds can effectively display textual data, which is the nature of search queries. They are particularly useful for analyzing text data from surveys or feedback forms, which can be similar to search query data in an intranet environment1234.
References: 1: ??What Are Word Clouds? Pros & Cons of Word Cloud Visualizations?? - Alida 2: ??Using Word Clouds for Powerful Data Visualization?? - blog 3: ??Ultimate Google Data Studio Word Cloud Guide: Visualization 2024?? - AtOnce 4: ??How to Create Word Cloud in Power BI?? - Zebra BI
Which of the following logical statements results in Table B?
Correct Answer:
The logical statement that results in Table B is Option D. Option D is a logical statement that uses the AND operator to combine two conditions: Name = ??Tom?? and Region = ??BC??. The AND operator returns true only if both conditions are true, otherwise it returns false. Therefore, Option D will select only the rows from Table A that satisfy both conditions, which are rows 4, 5, 6, and 7. These rows form Table B, as shown below: Name | Gender flag | Level | College | Code | Region Tom | Male | Elementary | A | BC | BC Kim | Female | Elementary | A | BC | BC Pat | Female | Elementary | A | BC | BC Ben | Male
| Elementary | A | BC | BC
The other options are not correct, as they use different logical operators or conditions that do not result in Table B. Option A uses the OR operator, which returns true if either condition is true, or both. Option A will select all the rows from Table A except row 3, which does not match either condition. Option B uses the NOT operator, which returns the opposite of the condition. Option B will select all the rows from Table A except rows 4, 5, 6, and 7, which match the condition. Option C uses a different condition, Region = ??ON??, which does not match any row in Table A. Option C will select no rows from Table A. Reference: [SQL Logical Operators - W3Schools]
Which of the following variable name formats would be problematic if used in the majority of data software programs?
Correct Answer:
This is because First Name is a variable name format that would be problematic if used in most of the data software programs, such as Excel, SQL, or Python. This is because First Name contains a space between two words, which could cause confusion or errors in the data software programs, as they might interpret the space as a separator or a delimiter between two different variables or values, rather than as part of a single variable name. For example, in SQL, a space is used to separate keywords, clauses,
or expressions in a statement, such as SELECT, FROM, WHERE, etc. Therefore, using First Name as a variable name in SQL could result in a syntax error or an unexpected result. The other variable name formats would not be problematic if used in most of the data software programs. Here is why:
✑ First_Name_ is a variable name format that uses an underscore (_) to separate two words, which is a common and acceptable practice in most of the data software programs, as it helps to improve the readability and clarity of the variable name. For example, in Python, an underscore is used to follow the PEP 8 style guide for naming variables, which recommends using lowercase letters and underscores for multi-word variable names.
✑ FirstName is a variable name format that uses camel case to separate two words,
which is another common and acceptable practice in most of the data software programs, as it helps to reduce the length and complexity of the variable name. For example, in Excel, camel case is used to follow the VBA naming conventions for naming variables, which recommends using mixed case letters for multi-word variable names.
✑ First_Name is a variable name format that also uses an underscore (_) to separate
two words, which is also a common and acceptable practice in most of the data software programs, as it helps to improve the readability and clarity of the variable name. For example, in SQL, an underscore is used to follow the ANSI SQL naming standards for naming variables, which recommends using lowercase letters and underscores for multi-word variable names.
Analytics reports should follow corporate style guidelines.
Correct Answer:
Which one of the following programming languages is specifically designed for use in analytics applications?
Correct Answer: