Your company is new to test automation and as TAE. you have designed a TAS which successfully supports the SUT for the current project.
There are other systems currently in operation which have been tested manually and more systems are planned over the coming years. Based on this success, your company requires test automation be rolled out to other current and future SUTs with consistency being a key objective.
Which of the following is the BEST way to achieve that?
Correct Answer:
As a TAE you are evaluating a functional test automation tool that will be for several projects within your organization. The projects require that tool to work effectively and efficiently with SUT??s in distributed environments. The test automated tool also needs to interface with other existing test tools (test management tool and defect tracking tool.) The existing test tools subject to planned updates and their interface to the test automated tool may not work property after these updates.
Which of the following are the two LEAST important concerns related to the evaluation of the test automation in this scenario?
A) Is the test automation tool able to launch processors and execute test cases on multiple machines in different environments?
B) Does the test automation tool support a licensing scheme that allows accessing different sets?
C) Does the test automation tool have a large feature set, but only part of the features
will be sets?
D) Do the release notes for the planned updates on existing specify the impacts on their interfaces to other tools?
Does the test automation tool need to install specific libraries that could impact the SUT?
Correct Answer:
You have been asked to determine a TAS for a new release of a SUT, test should be automated wherever. The new release will consist of 5 new interfaces and an amendment to 3 existing interfaces. The new and amended interface will be deliver incrementally in 3 sprints, each lasting 2 weeks.
What would be the BEST Test Automation Solution (TAS) design in this scenario?
Correct Answer:
You are working on a government system called ??Making Tax Digital" or MTD for short. This system is being implemented to stop manual human input error and also to reduce fraudulent behaviour from companies when submitting their tax and VAT returns.
The key concept is that registered companies will need to use government recommended 3rd party software for their accounts and book keeping. These 3rd party applications will have a direct interface into the government's main system for transactions and submissions.
You have been using a test execution tool successfully on the project so far. and have implemented a basic ??capture/replay?? approach to scripting.
The management have been encouraged with the automation so far, but want the following objectives to be met:
* Test cases added easily
* Reduction in the amount of scripts and script duplication
* Reduction in maintenance costs
Which scripting technique would be MOST suitable in this scenario in order to meet the objectives?
Correct Answer:
Consider a TAS deployed into production. The SUT is a web application and the test suite consists of a set of automated regression tests developed via GUI. A keyword-driven framework has been adopted for automating the regression tests. The tests are based on identification at low-levels of the web page components (e.g class indexes, tab sequence indexes and coordinates) in the next planned release the SUT will be subject to significant corrective maintenance (bug-fixes) and evolution (new features) Maintenance costs to update the test scripts should be as low as possible and the scripts must be highly reusable.
Which of the following statements is most likely to be TRUE?
Correct Answer: