- (Topic 5)
Which function will provide the proxy information needed to protect Snowsight?
Correct Answer:
TheSYSTEM$GET_PRIVATELINKfunction in Snowflake provides proxy information necessary for configuring PrivateLink connections, which can protect Snowsight as well as other Snowflake services. PrivateLink enhances security by allowing Snowflake to be accessed via a private connection within a cloud provider??s network, reducing exposure to the public internet.
✑ Snowflake Documentation: PrivateLink Setup
- (Topic 3)
How do Snowflake data providers share data that resides in different databases?
Correct Answer:
Snowflake data providers can share data residing in different databases through secure views. Secure views allow for the referencing of objects such as schemas, tables, and other views contained in one or more databases, as long as those databases belong to the same account. This enables providers to share data securely and efficiently with consumers. References: [COF-C02] SnowPro Core Certification Exam Study Guide
- (Topic 2)
In a Snowflake role hierarchy, what is the top-level role?
Correct Answer:
In a Snowflake role hierarchy, the top-level role is ACCOUNTADMIN. This role has the highest level of privileges and is capable of performing all administrative functions within the Snowflake account
- (Topic 2)
What is the SNOWFLAKE.ACCOUNT_USAGE view that contains information about which objects were read by queries within the last 365 days (1 year)?
Correct Answer:
The ACCESS_HISTORY view in the SNOWFLAKE.ACCOUNT_USAGE schema contains information about the access history of Snowflake objects, such as tables and views, within the last 365 days1.
- (Topic 2)
Which columns are part of the result set of the Snowflake LATERAL FLATTEN command? (Choose two.)
Correct Answer:
The LATERAL FLATTEN command in Snowflake produces a result set that includes several columns, among which PATH and INDEX are includedPATH indicates the path to the element within a data structure that needs to be flattened, and INDEX represents the index of the element if it is an array2.