A punishment contingency is LEAST likely to produce which effect?
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A 4-year-old child is lying in bed at night while the parents are sitting in the living room talking to guests. The child begins to make loud noises. In the past, the parents have gone into the child's room to quiet him. The parents and guests agree to ignore the child completely and continue to talk. If the parents stick with this approach and the child stops making noises, the parents have successfully useD.
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Jamie frequently falls to the floor and screams at school. Preliminary behavioral assessment data indicate that his tantrums are maintained by attention and escape from demand situations. Jamie's behavior analyst wants to examine precisely how attention and escape conditions affect these behaviors. The behavior analyst does not want to conduct the analysis in Jamie's classroom because she would not be able to control for potentially important factors. Relating to this scenario, which statement is TRUE?
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An establishing operation is any change in the environment whicH.
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Speed, magnitude, durability and generality of effect are some of the MOST important
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