AWS-Certified-Data-Engineer-Associate Dumps

AWS-Certified-Data-Engineer-Associate Free Practice Test

Amazon AWS-Certified-Data-Engineer-Associate: AWS Certified Data Engineer - Associate (DEA-C01)


A financial company wants to use Amazon Athena to run on-demand SQL queries on a petabyte-scale dataset to support a business intelligence (BI) application. An AWS Glue job that runs during non-business hours updates the dataset once every day. The BI application has a standard data refresh frequency of 1 hour to comply with company policies.
A data engineer wants to cost optimize the company's use of Amazon Athena without adding any additional infrastructure costs.
Which solution will meet these requirements with the LEAST operational overhead?

Correct Answer: B
The best solution to cost optimize the company’s use of Amazon Athena without adding any additional infrastructure costs is to use the query result reuse feature of AmazonAthena for the SQL queries. This feature allows you to run the same query multiple times without incurring additional charges, as long as the underlying data has not changed and the query results are still in the query result location in Amazon S31. This feature is useful for scenarios where you have a petabyte-scale dataset that is updated infrequently, such as once a day, and you have a BI application that runs the same queries repeatedly, such as every hour. By using the query result reuse feature, you can reduce the amount of data scanned by your queries and save on the cost of running Athena. You can enable or disable this feature at the workgroup level or at the individual query level1.
Option A is not the best solution, as configuring an Amazon S3 Lifecycle policy to move data to the S3 Glacier Deep Archive storage class after 1 day would not cost optimize the company’s use of Amazon Athena, but rather increase the cost and complexity. Amazon S3 Lifecycle policies are rules that you can define to automatically transition objects between different storage classes based on specified criteria, such as the age of the object2. S3 Glacier Deep Archive is the lowest-cost storage class in Amazon S3, designed
for long-term data archiving that is accessed once or twice in a year3. While moving data to S3 Glacier Deep Archive can reduce the storage cost, it would also increase the retrieval cost and latency, as it takes up to 12 hours to restore the data from S3 Glacier Deep Archive3. Moreover, Athena does not support querying data that is in S3 Glacier or S3 Glacier Deep Archive storage classes4. Therefore, using this option would not meet the requirements of running on-demand SQL queries on the dataset.
Option C is not the best solution, as adding an Amazon ElastiCache cluster between the BI application and Athena would not cost optimize the company’s use of Amazon Athena, but rather increase the cost and complexity. Amazon ElastiCache is a service that offers fully managed in-memory data stores, such as Redis and Memcached, that can improve the performance and scalability of web applications by caching frequently accessed data. While using ElastiCache can reduce the latency and load on the BI application, it would not reduce the amount of data scanned by Athena, which is the main factor that determines the cost of running Athena. Moreover, using ElastiCache would introduce additional infrastructure costs and operational overhead, as you would have to provision, manage, and scale the ElastiCache cluster, and integrate it with the BI application and Athena. Option D is not the best solution, as changing the format of the files that are in the dataset to Apache Parquet would not cost optimize the company’s use of Amazon Athena without adding any additional infrastructure costs, but rather increase the complexity. Apache Parquet is a columnar storage format that can improve the performance of analytical queries by reducing the amount of data that needs to be scanned and providing efficient compression and encoding schemes. However,changing the format of the files that are in the dataset to Apache Parquet would require additional processing and transformation steps, such as using AWS Glue or Amazon EMR to convert the files from their original format to Parquet, and storing the converted files in a separate location in Amazon S3. This would increase the complexity and the operational overhead of the data pipeline, and also incur additional costs for using AWS Glue or Amazon EMR. References:
✑ Query result reuse
✑ Amazon S3 Lifecycle
✑ S3 Glacier Deep Archive
✑ Storage classes supported by Athena
✑ [What is Amazon ElastiCache?]
✑ [Amazon Athena pricing]
✑ [Columnar Storage Formats]
✑ AWS Certified Data Engineer - Associate DEA-C01 Complete Study Guide


A data engineer runs Amazon Athena queries on data that is in an Amazon S3 bucket. The Athena queries use AWS Glue Data Catalog as a metadata table.
The data engineer notices that the Athena query plans are experiencing a performance bottleneck. The data engineer determines that the cause of the performance bottleneck is the large number of partitions that are in the S3 bucket. The data engineer must resolve the performance bottleneck and reduce Athena query planning time.
Which solutions will meet these requirements? (Choose two.)

Correct Answer: AC
The best solutions to resolve the performance bottleneck and reduce Athena query planning time are to create an AWS Glue partition index and enable partition filtering, and to use Athena partition projection based on the S3 bucket prefix.
AWS Glue partition indexes are a feature that allows you to speed up query processing of highly partitioned tables cataloged in AWS Glue Data Catalog. Partition indexes are available for queries in Amazon EMR, Amazon Redshift Spectrum, and AWS Glue ETL jobs. Partition indexes are sublists of partition keys defined in the table. When you create a partition index, you specify a list of partition keys that already exist on a given table. AWS Glue then creates an index for the specified keys and stores it in the Data Catalog. When you run a query that filters on the partition keys, AWS Glue uses the partition index to quickly identify the relevant partitions without scanning the entiretable metadata. This reduces the query planning time and improves the query performance1.
Athena partition projection is a feature that allows you to speed up query processing of highly partitioned tables and automate partition management. In partition projection, Athena calculates partition values and locations using the table properties that you configure directly on your table in AWS Glue. The table properties allow Athena to ‘project’, or determine, the necessary partition information instead of having to do a more time- consuming metadata lookup in the AWS Glue Data Catalog. Because in-memory operations are often faster than remote operations, partition projection can reduce the runtime of queries against highly partitioned tables. Partition projection also automates partition management because it removes the need to manually create partitions in Athena, AWS Glue, or your external Hive metastore2.
Option B is not the best solution, as bucketing the data based on a column that the data have in common in a WHERE clause of the user query would not reduce the query planning time. Bucketing is a technique that divides data into buckets based on a hash function applied to a column. Bucketing can improve the performance of join queries by
reducing the amount of data that needs to be shuffled between nodes. However, bucketing does not affect the partition metadata retrieval, which is the main cause of the performance bottleneck in this scenario3.
Option D is not the best solution, as transforming the data that is in the S3 bucket to Apache Parquet format would not reduce the query planning time. Apache Parquet is a columnar storage format that can improve the performance of analytical queries by reducing the amount of data that needs to be scanned and providing efficient compression and encoding schemes. However, Parquet does not affect the partition metadata retrieval, which is the main cause of the performance bottleneck in this scenario4.
Option E is not the best solution, as using the Amazon EMR S3DistCP utility to combine smaller objects in the S3 bucket into larger objects would not reduce the query planning time. S3DistCP is a tool that can copy large amounts of data between Amazon S3 buckets or from HDFS to Amazon S3. S3DistCP can also aggregate smaller files into larger files to improve the performance of sequential access. However, S3DistCP does not affect the partition metadata retrieval, which is the main cause of the performance bottleneck in this scenario5. References:
✑ Improve query performance using AWS Glue partition indexes
✑ Partition projection with Amazon Athena
✑ Bucketing vs Partitioning
✑ Columnar Storage Formats
✑ S3DistCp
✑ AWS Certified Data Engineer - Associate DEA-C01 Complete Study Guide


A data engineering team is using an Amazon Redshift data warehouse for operational reporting. The team wants to prevent performance issues that might result from long- running queries. A data engineer must choose a system table in Amazon Redshift to record anomalies when a query optimizer identifies conditions that might indicate performance issues.
Which table views should the data engineer use to meet this requirement?

Correct Answer: B
The STL ALERT EVENT LOG table view records anomalies when the query optimizer identifies conditions that might indicate performance issues. These conditions include skewed data distribution, missing statistics, nested loop joins, and broadcasted data. The STL ALERT EVENT LOG table view can help the data engineer to identify and troubleshoot the root causes of performance issues and optimize the query execution plan. The other table views are not relevant for this requirement. STL USAGE CONTROL records the usage limits and quotas for Amazon Redshift resources. STL QUERY METRICS records the execution time and resource consumption of queries. STL PLAN INFO records the query execution plan and the steps involved in each query. References:
✑ System Tables and Views
✑ AWS Certified Data Engineer - Associate DEA-C01 Complete Study Guide


A company uses Amazon RDS to store transactional data. The company runs an RDS DB instance in a private subnet. A developer wrote an AWS Lambda function with default settings to insert, update, or delete data in the DB instance.
The developer needs to give the Lambda function the ability to connect to the DB instance privately without using the public internet.
Which combination of steps will meet this requirement with the LEAST operational overhead? (Choose two.)

Correct Answer: CD
To enable the Lambda function to connect to the RDS DB instance privately without using the public internet, the best combination of steps is to configure the Lambda function to run in the same subnet that the DB instance uses, and attach the same security group to the Lambda function and the DB instance. This way, the Lambda function and the DB instance can communicate within the same private network, and the security group can allow traffic between them on the database port. This solution has the least operational overhead, as it does not require any changes to the public access setting, the network ACL, or the security group of the DB instance.
The other options are not optimal for the following reasons:
✑ A. Turn on the public access setting for the DB instance. This option is not recommended, as it would expose the DB instance to the public internet, which can compromise the security and privacy of the data. Moreover, this option would not enable the Lambda function to connect to the DB instance privately, as it would still require the Lambda function to use the public internet to access the DB instance.
✑ B. Update the security group of the DB instance to allow only Lambda function invocations on the database port. This option is not sufficient, as it would only modify the inbound rules of the security group of the DB instance, but not the outbound rules of the security group of the Lambda function. Moreover, this option would not enable the Lambda function to connect to the DB instance privately, as it would still require the Lambda function to use the public internet to access the DB instance.
✑ E. Update the network ACL of the private subnet to include a self-referencing rule
that allows access through the database port. This option is not necessary, as the network ACL of the private subnet already allows all traffic within the subnet by default. Moreover, this option would not enable the Lambda function to connect to the DB instance privately, as it would still require the Lambda function to use the public internet to access the DB instance.
✑ 1: Connecting to an Amazon RDS DB instance
✑ 2: Configuring a Lambda function to access resources in a VPC
✑ 3: Working with security groups
✑ : Network ACLs


A data engineer is configuring an AWS Glue job to read data from an Amazon S3 bucket. The data engineer has set up the necessary AWS Glue connection details and an associated IAM role. However, when the data engineer attempts to run the AWS Glue job, the data engineer receives an error message that indicates that there are problems with the Amazon S3 VPC gateway endpoint.
The data engineer must resolve the error and connect the AWS Glue job to the S3 bucket. Which solution will meet this requirement?

Correct Answer: D
The error message indicates that the AWS Glue job cannot access the Amazon S3 bucket through the VPC endpoint. This could be because the VPC’s route table does not have the necessary routes to direct the traffic to the endpoint. To fix this, the data engineer must verify that the route table has an entry for the Amazon S3 service prefix (com.amazonaws.region.s3) with the target as the VPC endpoint ID. This will allow the AWS Glue job to use the VPC endpoint to access the S3 bucket without going through the internet or a NAT gateway. For more information, see Gateway endpointsR. eferences:
✑ Troubleshoot the AWS Glue error “VPC S3 endpoint validation failed”
✑ Amazon VPC endpoints for Amazon S3
✑ [AWS Certified Data Engineer - Associate DEA-C01 Complete Study Guide]