AWS-Certified-Data-Engineer-Associate Dumps

AWS-Certified-Data-Engineer-Associate Free Practice Test

Amazon AWS-Certified-Data-Engineer-Associate: AWS Certified Data Engineer - Associate (DEA-C01)


A manufacturing company collects sensor data from its factory floor to monitor and enhance operational efficiency. The company uses Amazon Kinesis Data Streams to publish the data that the sensors collect to a data stream. Then Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose writes the data to an Amazon S3 bucket.
The company needs to display a real-time view of operational efficiency on a large screen in the manufacturing facility.
Which solution will meet these requirements with the LOWEST latency?

Correct Answer: C
This solution will meet the requirements with the lowest latency because it uses Amazon Managed Service for Apache Flink to process the sensor data in real time and write it to Amazon Timestream, a fast, scalable, and serverless time series database. Amazon Timestream is optimized for storing and analyzing time series data, such as sensor data, and can handle trillions of events per day with millisecond latency. By using AmazonTimestream as a source, you can create an Amazon QuickSight dashboard that displays a real-time view of operational efficiency on a large screen in the manufacturing facility. Amazon QuickSight is a fully managed business intelligence service that can connect to various data sources, including Amazon Timestream, and provide interactive visualizations and insights123.
The other options are not optimal for the following reasons:
✑ A. Use Amazon Managed Service for Apache Flink (previously known as Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics) to process the sensor data. Use a connector for Apache Flink to write data to an Amazon Timestream database. Use the Timestream database as a source to create a Grafana dashboard. This option is similar to option C, but it uses Grafana instead of Amazon QuickSight to create the dashboard. Grafana is an open source visualization tool that can also connect to Amazon Timestream, but it requires additional steps to set up and configure, such as deploying a Grafana server on Amazon EC2, installing the Amazon Timestream plugin, and creating an IAM role for Grafana to access Timestream. These steps can increase the latency and complexity of the solution.
✑ B. Configure the S3 bucket to send a notification to an AWS Lambda function when any new object is created. Use the Lambda function to publish the data to Amazon Aurora. Use Aurora as a source to create an Amazon QuickSight dashboard. This option is not suitable for displaying a real-time view of operational efficiency, as it introduces unnecessary delays and costs in the data pipeline. First, the sensor data is written to an S3 bucket by Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose, which can have a buffering interval of up to 900 seconds. Then, the S3 bucket sends a notification to a Lambda function, which can incur additional invocation and execution time. Finally, the Lambda function publishes the data to Amazon Aurora, a relational database that is not optimized for time series data and can have higher storage and performance costs than Amazon Timestream .
✑ D. Use AWS Glue bookmarks to read sensor data from the S3 bucket in real time.
Publish the data to an Amazon Timestream database. Use the Timestream database as a source to create a Grafana dashboard. This option is also not suitable for displaying a real-time view of operational efficiency, as it uses AWS Glue bookmarks to read sensor data from the S3 bucket. AWS Glue bookmarks are a feature that helps AWS Glue jobs and crawlers keep track of the data that has already been processed, so that they can resume from where they left off. However, AWS Glue jobs and crawlers are not designed for real-time data processing, as they can have a minimum frequency of 5 minutes and a variable start-up time. Moreover, this option also uses Grafana instead of Amazon QuickSight to create the dashboard, which can increase the latency and complexity of the solution .
✑ 1: Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Flink
✑ 2: Amazon Timestream
✑ 3: Amazon QuickSight
✑ : Analyze data in Amazon Timestream using Grafana
✑ : Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose
✑ : Amazon Aurora
✑ : AWS Glue Bookmarks
✑ : AWS Glue Job and Crawler Scheduling


A data engineer must orchestrate a data pipeline that consists of one AWS Lambda function and one AWS Glue job. The solution must integrate with AWS services.
Which solution will meet these requirements with the LEAST management overhead?

Correct Answer: A
AWS Step Functions is a service that allows you to coordinate multiple AWS services into serverless workflows. You can use Step Functions to create state machines that define the sequence and logic of the tasks in your workflow. Step Functions supports various types of tasks, such as Lambda functions, AWS Glue jobs, Amazon EMR clusters, Amazon ECS tasks, etc. You can use Step Functions to monitor and troubleshoot your workflows, as well as to handle errors and retries.
Using an AWS Step Functions workflow that includes a state machine to run the Lambda function and then the AWS Glue job will meet the requirements with the least management overhead, as it leverages the serverless and managed capabilities of Step Functions. You do not need to write any code to orchestrate the tasks in your workflow, as you can use the Step Functions console or the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) to define and deploy your state machine. You also do not need to provision or manage any servers or clusters, as Step Functions scales automatically based on the demand.
The other options are not as efficient as using an AWS Step Functions workflow. Using an Apache Airflow workflow that is deployed on an Amazon EC2 instance or on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) will require more management overhead, as you will need to provision, configure, and maintain the EC2 instance or the EKS cluster, as well as the Airflow components. You will also need to write and maintain the Airflow DAGs to orchestrate the tasks in your workflow. Using an AWS Glue workflow to run the Lambda function and then the AWS Glue job will not work, as AWS Glue workflows only support AWS Glue jobs and crawlers as tasks, not Lambda functions. References:
✑ AWS Step Functions
✑ AWS Glue
✑ AWS Certified Data Engineer - Associate DEA-C01 Complete Study Guide, Chapter 6: Data Integration and Transformation, Section 6.3: AWS Step Functions


A data engineer is building a data pipeline on AWS by using AWS Glue extract, transform, and load (ETL) jobs. The data engineer needs to process data from Amazon RDS and MongoDB, perform transformations, and load the transformed data into Amazon Redshift for analytics. The data updates must occur every hour.
Which combination of tasks will meet these requirements with the LEAST operational overhead? (Choose two.)

Correct Answer: AD
The correct answer is to configure AWS Glue triggers to run the ETL jobs every hour and use AWS Glue connections to establish connectivity between the data sources and Amazon Redshift. AWS Glue triggers are a way to schedule and orchestrate ETL jobs with the least operational overhead. AWS Glue connections are a way to securely connect to data sources and targets using JDBC or MongoDB drivers. AWS Glue DataBrew is a visual data preparation tool that does not support MongoDB as a data source. AWS Lambda functions are a serverless option to schedule and run ETL jobs, but they have a limit of 15 minutes for execution time, which may not be enough for complex transformations. The Redshift Data API is a way to run SQL commands on Amazon Redshift clusters without needing a persistent connection, but it does not support loading data from AWS Glue ETL jobs. References:
✑ AWS Glue triggers
✑ AWS Glue connections
✑ AWS Glue DataBrew
✑ [AWS Lambda functions]
✑ [Redshift Data API]


A company needs to build a data lake in AWS. The company must provide row-level data access and column-level data access to specific teams. The teams will access the data by using Amazon Athena, Amazon Redshift Spectrum, and Apache Hive from Amazon EMR.
Which solution will meet these requirements with the LEAST operational overhead?

Correct Answer: D
Option D is the best solution to meet the requirements with the least operational overhead because AWS Lake Formation is a fully managed service that simplifies the process of building, securing, and managing data lakes. AWS Lake Formation allows you to define granular data access policies at the row and column level for different users and groups. AWS Lake Formation also integrates with Amazon Athena, Amazon Redshift Spectrum, and Apache Hive on Amazon EMR, enabling these services to access the data in the data lake through AWS Lake Formation.
Option A is not a good solution because S3 access policies cannot restrict data access by rows and columns. S3 access policies are based on the identity and permissions of the requester, the bucket and object ownership, and the object prefix and tags. S3 access policies cannot enforce fine-grained data access control at the row and column level. Option B is not a good solution because it involves using Apache Ranger and Apache Pig, which are not fully managed services and require additional configuration and maintenance. Apache Ranger is a framework that provides centralized security administration for data stored in Hadoop clusters, such as Amazon EMR. Apache Ranger can enforce row-level and column-level access policies for Apache Hive tables. However, Apache Ranger is not a native AWS service and requires manual installation and configuration on Amazon EMR clusters. Apache Pig is a platform that allows you to analyze large data sets using a high-level scripting language called Pig Latin. Apache Pig can access data stored in Amazon S3 and process it using Apache Hive. However,Apache Pig is not a native AWS service and requires manual installation and configuration on Amazon EMR clusters.
Option C is not a good solution because Amazon Redshift is not a suitable service for data lake storage. Amazon Redshift is a fully managed data warehouse service that allows you to run complex analytical queries using standard SQL. Amazon Redshift can enforce row- level and column-level access policies for different users and groups. However, Amazon Redshift is not designed to store and process large volumes of unstructured or semi- structured data, which are typical characteristics of data lakes. Amazon Redshift is also more expensive and less scalable than Amazon S3 for data lake storage.
✑ AWS Certified Data Engineer - Associate DEA-C01 Complete Study Guide
✑ What Is AWS Lake Formation? - AWS Lake Formation
✑ Using AWS Lake Formation with Amazon Athena - AWS Lake Formation
✑ Using AWS Lake Formation with Amazon Redshift Spectrum - AWS Lake Formation
✑ Using AWS Lake Formation with Apache Hive on Amazon EMR - AWS Lake Formation
✑ Using Bucket Policies and User Policies - Amazon Simple Storage Service
✑ Apache Ranger
✑ Apache Pig
✑ What Is Amazon Redshift? - Amazon Redshift


A company stores daily records of the financial performance of investment portfolios in .csv format in an Amazon S3 bucket. A data engineer uses AWS Glue crawlers to crawl the S3 data.
The data engineer must make the S3 data accessible daily in the AWS Glue Data Catalog. Which solution will meet these requirements?

Correct Answer: B
To make the S3 data accessible daily in the AWS Glue Data Catalog, the data engineer needs to create a crawler that can crawl the S3 data and write the metadata to the Data Catalog. The crawler also needs to run on a daily schedule to keep the Data Catalog updated with the latest data. Therefore, the solution must include the following steps:
✑ Create an IAM role that has the necessary permissions to access the S3 data and
the Data Catalog. The AWSGlueServiceRole policy is a managed policy that grants these permissions1.
✑ Associate the role with the crawler.
✑ Specify the S3 bucket path of the source data as the crawler’s data store. The crawler will scan the data and infer the schema and format2.
✑ Create a daily schedule to run the crawler. The crawler will run at the specified time every day and update the Data Catalog with any changes in the data3.
✑ Specify a database name for the output. The crawler will create or update a table in the Data Catalog under the specified database. The table will contain the metadata about the data in the S3 bucket, such as the location, schema, and classification.
Option B is the only solution that includes all these steps. Therefore, option B is the correct answer.
Option A is incorrect because it configures the output destination to a new path in the existing S3 bucket. This is unnecessary and may cause confusion, as the crawler does not write any data to the S3 bucket, only metadata to the Data Catalog.
Option C is incorrect because it allocates data processing units (DPUs) to run the crawler every day. This is also unnecessary, as DPUs are only used for AWS Glue ETL jobs, not crawlers.
Option D is incorrect because it combines the errors of option A and C. It configures the output destination to a new path in the existing S3 bucket and allocates DPUs to run the crawler every day, both of which are irrelevant for the crawler.
✑ 1: AWS managed (predefined) policies for AWS Glue - AWS Glue
✑ 2: Data Catalog and crawlers in AWS Glue - AWS Glue
✑ 3: Scheduling an AWS Glue crawler - AWS Glue
✑ [4]: Parameters set on Data Catalog tables by crawler - AWS Glue
✑ [5]: AWS Glue pricing - Amazon Web Services (AWS)