AIGP Dumps

AIGP Free Practice Test

IAPP AIGP: Artificial Intelligence Governance Professional


- (Topic 1)
Which of the following is an example of a high-risk application under the EU Al Act?

Correct Answer: C
The EU AI Act categorizes certain applications of AI as high-risk due to their potential impact on fundamental rights and safety. High-risk applications include those
used in critical areas such as employment, education, and essential public services. A government-run social scoring tool, which assesses individuals based on their social behavior or perceived trustworthiness, falls under this category because of its profound implications for privacy, fairness, and individual rights. This contrasts with other AI applications like resume scanning tools or customer service chatbots, which are generally not classified as high-risk under the EU AI Act.


- (Topic 2)
Please use the following answer the next question:
A mid-size US healthcare network has decided to develop an Al solution to detect a type of cancer that is most likely arise in adults. Specifically, the healthcare network intends to create a recognition algorithm that will perform an initial review of all imaging and then route records a radiologist for secondary review pursuant agreed-upon criteria (e.g., a confidence score below a threshold).
To date, the healthcare network has taken the following steps: defined its Al ethical principles: conducted discovery to identify the intended uses and success criteria for the system: established an Al governance committee; assembled a broad, crossfunctional team with clear roles and responsibilities; and created policies and procedures to document standards, workflows, timelines and risk thresholds during the project.
The healthcare network intends to retain a cloud provider to host the solution and a consulting firm to help develop the algorithm using the healthcare network's existing data
and de-identified data that is licensed from a large US clinical research partner.
In the design phase, which of the following steps is most important in gathering the data from the clinical research partner?

Correct Answer: D
Reviewing the terms of use is essential when gathering data from a clinical research partner. This step ensures that the healthcare network complies with all legal and contractual obligations related to data usage. It addresses data ownership, usage limitations, consent requirements, and privacy obligations, which are critical to maintaining ethical standards and avoiding legal repercussions. This review helps ensure that the data is used in a manner consistent with the agreements made and the regulatory environment, which is fundamental for lawful and ethical AI development. Reference: AIGP Body of Knowledge on Legal and Regulatory Considerations.


- (Topic 2)
When monitoring the functional performance of a model that has been deployed into
production, all of the following are concerns EXCEPT?

Correct Answer: B
When monitoring the functional performance of a model deployed into production, concerns typically include feature drift, model drift, and data loss. Feature drift refers to changes in the input features that can affect the model's predictions. Model drift is when the model's performance degrades over time due to changes in the data or environment. Data loss can impact the accuracy and reliability of the model. However, system cost, while important for budgeting and financial planning, is not a direct concern when monitoring the functional performance of a deployed model. Reference: AIGP Body of Knowledge on Model Monitoring and Maintenance.


- (Topic 2)
You are part of your organization’s ML engineering team and notice that the accuracy of a model that was recently deployed into production is deteriorating.
What is the best first step address this?

Correct Answer: B
When the accuracy of a model deteriorates, the best first step is to conduct champion/challenger testing. This involves deploying a new model (challenger) alongside the current model (champion) to compare their performance. This method helps identify if the new model can perform better under current conditions without immediately discarding the existing model. It provides a controlled environment to test improvements and understand the reasons behind the deterioration. This approach is preferable to directly replacing the model, performing audits, or running red-teaming exercises, which may be subsequent steps based on the findings from the champion/challenger testing.
Reference: AIGP BODY OF KNOWLEDGE, sections on model performance management and testing strategies.


- (Topic 1)
According to the Singapore Model Al Governance Framework, all of the following are recommended measures to promote the responsible use of Al EXCEPT?

Correct Answer: C
The Singapore Model AI Governance Framework recommends several measures to promote the responsible use of AI, such as determining the level of human involvement in decision-making, adapting governance structures, and establishing communications and collaboration among stakeholders. However, employing human-over-the-loop protocols is not specifically mentioned in this framework. The focus is more on integrating human oversight appropriately within the decision-making process rather than exclusively employing such protocols. Reference: AIGP Body of Knowledge, section on AI governance frameworks.