- (Topic 3)
Which permission is needed to publish a document on Sales force Content?
Correct Answer:
- (Topic 1)
File attachments count towards the overall data storage limit.
Correct Answer:
File attachments count towards file storage, not data storage. The storage limit is 1GB minimum for data and 11GB minimum for file storage for all editions.
- (Topic 4)
Which element would you use to determine if the customer is interested in a product or shipping promotion.
Correct Answer:
CORRECT TEXT - (Topic 1)
Explain the 4 primary steps in the typical de-dupe process
1- Establish what qualifies as a duplicate.
2- Find a common identifier.
3- Determine which other fields and methods can be used to de-dupe.
4- Merge the losing records into the winning record.
Does this meet the goal?
Correct Answer:
CORRECT TEXT - (Topic 2)
What permissions arc needed to install Forcc.com Connect for MS Office?
On the profile:
1- Connect for Office: "On, updates w/o alerts" for all clients
2- Connect for MS Outlook:"On, updates w/o alerts"
Does this meet the goal?
Correct Answer: