- (Topic 1)
Steven works as a security consultant and frequently performs penetration tests for Fortune 500 companies. Steven runs external and internal tests and then creates reports to show the companies where their weak areas are. Steven always signs a non-disclosure agreement before performing his tests. What would Steven be considered?
Correct Answer:
A white hat hacker, also rendered as ethical hacker, is, in the realm of information technology, a person who is ethically opposed to the abuse of computer systems. Realization that the Internet now represents human voices from around the world has made the defense of its integrity an important pastime for many. A white hat generally focuses on securing IT systems, whereas a black hat (the opposite) would like to break into them.
- (Topic 11)
Bill successfully executed a buffer overflow against a Windows IIS web server. He has been able to spawn in interactive shell and plans to deface the main web page. He fist attempts to use the “Echo” command to simply overwrite index.html and remains unsuccessful. He then attempts to delete the page and achieves no progress. Finally, he tires to overwrite it with another page in which also he remains unsuccessful. What is the probable cause of Bill’s problem?
Correct Answer:
A honeypot has no interest in stopping an intruder from altering the “target” files. A buffer overflow is a way to gain access to the target computer. Once he has spawned a shell it is unlikely that it will not work as intended, but the user context that the shell is spawned in might stop him from altering the index.html file incase he doesn’t have sufficient rights.
- (Topic 21)
One of the most common and the best way of cracking RSA encryption is to being to derive the two prime numbers, which are used in the RSA PKI mathematical process. If the two numbers p and q are discovered through a process, then the private key can be derived.
Correct Answer:
In April 1994, an international cooperative group of mathematicians and computer scientists solved a 17-year-old challenge problem, the factoring of a 129-digit number, called RSA-129, into two primes. That is, RSA-129 = 1143816257578888676692357799761466120102182
= 34905295108476509491478496199038 98133417764638493387843990820577 times
32769132993266709549961988190834 461413177642967992942539798288533.
Se more at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSA_Factoring_Challenge
- (Topic 3)
You want to know whether a packet filter is in front of Pings to don't get answered. A basic nmap scan of seems to hang without returning any information. What should you do next?
Correct Answer:
- (Topic 23)
Jake is a network administrator who needs to get reports from all the computer and network devices on his network. Jake wants to use SNMP but is afraid that won't be secure since passwords and messages are in clear text. How can Jake gather network information in a secure manner?
Correct Answer: